
12 kolovoza, 2010

English Salt Muffins

Foto via Judy in Her Natural Habitat:The Kitchen

2 1 / 4 šalice brašna
1 1 / 2 žličice šećera
3 / 4 čajna žličica soli
1 1 / 4 žličice instant kvasca
1 žlica masti ili neslan maslac, na sobnoj temperaturi
3/4-1 šalica mlijeka ili mlaćenica, na sobnoj temperaturi
kukuruza, za posipanje

U zdjeli za mikser kombinirati brašno, šećer, sol i kvasac. Izmiješati u maslac 3 / 4 šalice mlijeka (ili mlaćenica). Dodajte dovoljno preostalog mlijeka za formiranje tijesta i spojiti sve sastojke. Posipati brašno na podlogu, okrenuti tijesto iz zdjele i mijesiti rukom za oko 10 minuta. Prijenos tijesta u lagano nauljen zdjelu. Pokrijte zdjelu sa plastičnom folijom i ostavite da se diže oko sat vremena.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the flour, sugar, salt and yeast. Mix in the butter (or shortening) and 3/4 cup of milk (or buttermilk). Add just enough of the remaining milk to form a dough and incorporate the dry ingredients. Sprinkle flour on the counter, turn the dough out of the bowl, and knead by hand for about 10 minutes. The dough should be tacky (but not sticky), should pass the windowpane test and register 77 to 81 F. Transfer the dough to a lightly oiled bowl and roll to coat. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let rise for about an hour, or until the dough doubles in size.

Podijelite tijesto na 6 jednakih dijelova i oblikovati u kuglice. Staviti pergament papir na lim za pecivo i lagano premazati s uljem. Pospite s palentom. Formirajte kuglice koje slažete na pladanj, pospite palentom i zatim pokriti labavo sa plastičnom folijom i ostavite rasti još jedan sat.
Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces and shape into balls. Lay parchment paper on a baking sheet and spray lightly with oil. Sprinkle with cornmeal. Move the dough balls to the baking sheet, spacing them evenly with room to rise. Mist the rolls lightly with oil and sprinkle with cornmeal then cover the pan loosely with plastic wrap and allow to rise another hour, or until the rolls are nearly double in size.

Na malo ulja svaku kuglicu prepecite ili dok dno ne postane zlatno smeđe boje. Pažljivo preokrenite na drugu stranu. One bi se trebale spljoštiti.
Brush the griddle lightly with oil and gently transfer the dough balls to the griddle a few at a time. Allow them to cook until the bottoms are a rich golden brown color. Carefully flip and cook the other side. They should flatten as they cook.

Sklonite muffine sa tave i posložite ih na papir za pečenje te pecite još 5-8 minuta u pečnici dok se potpuno ne ispeku.
Remove the muffins from the skillet and transfer them to a parchment- or silpat-lined baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven for 5-8 minutes. Do not wait until all the muffins have been browned in the skillet before moving them to the oven. As the first batch is baking, move the second batch to the skillet.

Kada su pečene ostavite muffine da odstoje bar pola sata prije posluživanja.
Transfer the baked muffins to a cooling rack and let cool at least 30 minutes before slicing or serving.

1 komentar:

  1. SAVRŠENO DRAGA MOJA LADYA !!! PREDIVNO!!! Probam obavezno!!! Veliki pozdrav!!
